On Appeal

The AP&S Appellate Law Blog

Court Management of High Profile Civil and Criminal Trials and Appeals

On June 7, 2014, I had the privilege of presenting at the American College of Trial Lawyers’ New England Regional Meeting, along with Retired Rhode Island Supreme Court Chief Justice Frank J. Williams, on the Court’s Management of High Profile Civil and Criminal Cases.  Our presentation highlighted the trial court’s management of high-profile cases through the lens of the Block Island rape case of the late 1990s, which commonly was known as the Yellow Kittens Case and the appellate court’s management of high-profile cases through the lens of the Lead Paint case, which came before the Rhode Island Supreme Court in 2008 after the longest civil trial in the state’s history.

Court Management of High Profile Civil and Criminal Cases


About The Author

Nicole J. Benjamin

I am a shareholder and business litigator at AP&S. I help businesses and their legal departments achieve their objectives by reducing their liabilities, advising them on complex legal matters and defending unavoidable litigation in federal and state court.

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