Nicole Benjamin has been elected Secretary of the Rhode Island Bar Association. Nicole has been actively involved with the Rhode Island Bar Association for years, having served on its House of Delegates for more than a decade and its Executive Committee for four years.
Nicole was first introduced to the Rhode Island Bar Association while in college, having received the Rhode Island Bar Foundation Thomas F. Black Memorial Scholarship. Motivated by a desire to give back to the association that gave her the opportunity to pursue a law degree, by her fourth year in practice, Nicole was elected to the Bar Association’s House of Delegates and, later, to the Executive Committee. She also has co-chaired the Bar Association’s Strategic Planning Committee and served as editor-in-chief of the Rhode Island Bar Journal. In 2017, she was the recipient of the Rhode Island Bar Journal Lauren E. Jones, Esq. Writing Award. She also currently serves as Chair of the 2020-2021 R.I. Bar Association Annual Meeting. Nicole’s term as Secretary runs from July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021.