On Appeal

The AP&S Appellate Law Blog

(2) Supreme Court Relies on Unofficial Transcripts Attached to Parties’ Appendices.

When a party files a notice of appeal to the Rhode Island Supreme Court, it is his or her obligation to order from the court reporter(s) the official transcript(s) upon which he or she will rely.  R.I. Sup. Ct. R. App. P. Art. I, Rule 10(b)(1).  This is true even if a party has ordered unofficial copies of the relevant transcripts during the course of the case.  See Vogel v. Catala, 63 A.3d 519 (R.I. 2013); Sentas v. Sentas, 911 A.2d 266, 270 (R.I. 2006).

In State v. Lead Industries Association, Inc., No. 2010-278-Appeal; 2010-296-Appeal, the parties had ordered only one of the transcripts that was relevant to the appeal, however, because the parties had include unofficial copies of the additional relevant transcripts in its appendices, the Rhode Island Supreme Court relied on the unofficial transcripts.  Id. at 3 n.4.  (“We note that the only official transcript submitted to this Court was of the August 15, 2008 hearing; however, copies of the additional relevant transcripts were attached to the parties’ appendices.”).

About The Author

Nicole J. Benjamin

I am a shareholder and business litigator at AP&S. I help businesses and their legal departments achieve their objectives by reducing their liabilities, advising them on complex legal matters and defending unavoidable litigation in federal and state court.

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