Dan Holmander will be presenting at the Association of Corporate Counsel’s Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 18, 2016, in San Francisco.
Enforcing Intellectual Property: How to Address Infringers, Unauthorized Distributors, and Counterfeiters in the International Online Marketplace. Presented in cooperation with Lex Mundi
For years, brand owners have asked online retailers to help them find and punish unauthorized resellers for their violations. Unfortunately for brand owners, online retailers typically take a percentage of third-party sales within its marketplace and are hesitant to enforce seller pricing agreements and risk losing revenue. As a result of leaks in the supply chain, resellers obtain authentic products and sell them online below their minimum advertised price or attempt to violate trademarks and copyrights, making it difficult for brand owners to protect themselves. Copyright and trademark infringement can hurt a brand’s functionality severely by affecting its Buy Box share, revenue, and, most importantly, brand reputation. This panel discussion will address different solutions to deal with these international online marketplace issues that in-house counsel of consumer brand manufacturers and distributors deal with daily.
Alan Adcock, Partner and Deputy Director, Intellectual Property, Tilleke & Gibbins, Lex Mundi
Naser Baseer, Senior Legal Counsel, Twitter Inc.
Daniel Holmander, Counsel, Adler Pollock & Sheehan P.C., Lex Mundi
Hai-Chau Pham, Senior Corporate Counsel, Symantec Corporation
James Slattery, Formerly VP, Business and Legal Affairs, NBC Universal