For more information about the AP&S Diversity Scholarship and to download an application, please visit the Commitment to Diversity section of our website, located in ’About Us.’
Scholarship Deadline Extended to June 1, 2007
Adler Pollock & Sheehan PC, one of the largest law firms in Rhode Island, has announced a new initiative aimed at promoting diversity within the legal profession. Beginning in 2007, the firm will give a $10,000 scholarship to a minority student entering his or her first year of law school. The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage and assist a needy minority student, who has demonstrated academic excellence and a commitment to the community, to attend law school and successfully enter the practice of law. The financial need of the applicant as well as the applicant’s desire to work and reside in Rhode Island or Massachusetts upon graduation will be factors considered in awarding the scholarship, as AP&S’ offices are in Providence and Boston.
The scholarship application period runs from January 1 until April 1 of the year the student will be entering his or her first year of law school. Those recipients of the scholarship, who show strong academic achievement during their first year of law school, will be considered for employment as a summer associate of AP&S at any time after their first year of law school. The possibility of a job offer upon graduation will be considered after the completion of the summer internship(s).
The announcement of the Diversity Scholarship was made at the holiday gathering hosted at AP&S on December 4th of the Thurgood Marshall Law Society, an organization whose mission is to advance the distinguished legacy of Thurgood Marshall through the active participation and fellowship among lawyers, law professors, judges and law students of color and to promote the science of jurisprudence to uphold the honor of the legal profession.
For more information about the AP&S Diversity Scholarship and to download an application, please visit the Commitment to Diversity section of our website, located in ’About Us.’