Chief Judge Mary M. Lisi appointed Patricia Rocha as Chair of the Board of Bar of Admissions. Pat is serving in her second term, and prior to accepting the position of Chair, she served as the civil procedure expert. She is the first woman in the history of the Board to be appointed as Chair.
The Board of Bar Admissions oversees the Court’s Attorney Admissions Program and administers a mandatory course of instruction on federal practice with a focus on local practices and procedures. According to Judge Lisi, “The Board plays a critical role in preparing attorneys for practice before this Court. The contribution of time and knowledge that each member makes to the admissions process is invaluable, both to the Court and to the bar applicants. Because of the voluntary services that these individuals provide, new attorneys are well prepared to appear in our courtrooms. These individuals should be commended for their outstanding contribution to the practice of law and to the administration of justice.”